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Bare necessities

Vrede Villa ensures that visitors get the bare necessities. For example, visitors to Villa Vrede can get ponchos when it rains and eat a warm meal when they have an empty stomach. We also hand out bicycle lights to prevent people from being stopped by the police. There is always bread, spreads, coffee and tea ready. Often the greatest help is in the smallest things.

In the living room, visitors can watch TV, play FIFA, play table football, computer, play games and chat.
In the activity room, visitors can rest on the sofa outside the activities.

We think it is important that visitors to Villa Vrede feel at home. That is why we provide a safe atmosphere. We welcome every new visitor, after which we do an intake. In this way we get to know each other better and visitors know what to expect from Villa Vrede. Some of our visitors also volunteer at Villa Vrede as hosts. When visitors need to talk 1-on-1 with volunteers or coordinators, there is always room for that.

”Villa Vrede is like family to me. I can always drop by, eat good food, play table football.”

visitor Villa Vrede