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Working on tomorrow

It is important for every person to have something to do. At Villa Vrede, visitors can discover and develop their talents. We do this primarily by organizing activities in Villa Vrede. In addition, Villa Vrede can arrange daytime activities in the city as sports or voluntary work for visitors. This way visitors to Villa Vrede can ‘work on tomorrow’.

Activities in Villa Vrede

At Villa Peace, the range of activities is always developing. We currently have the following offer (for day and time, see agenda):

– Dutch lesson
– English lesson
– Sport (volleyball and soccer)
– Future training
– Music (piano/guitar lesson, jamming together)
– Knitting and sewing
– Bicycle lesson
– Hairdressing course

In addition to these regular activities, there are also sporadic activities. For example, we tinker with a Sint Maarten light sculpture every year and we hold a DIY or gardening day every now and then. We also regularly organize training and information sessions. This can be a first aid training, intercultural communication training or an information session about PTSD and trauma.

”I am very grateful to Villa Vrede. Every week I go to language lessons, I also learned woodworking through Villa Vrede. Despite my situation I can continue to develop myself this way.”

Visitor Villa Vrede

Daytime activities in the city

Villa Vrede is part of PAS (Project aan de Slag), a network of organizations for undocumented people in Utrecht. Together we work hard to give undocumented people access to daytime activities in the city. Visitors can come to Villa Vrede for an activation consultation hour. We look at the talents and wishes of the visitor and look for a suitable daytime activity, inside or outside Villa Vrede. This can vary from a language buddy to helping out at a petting zoo to computer lessons.